Inappropriate Dog Jumping (Tips on How to Stop This)
Having a dog that jumps on your guests is embarrassing. Having a dog that repeats the behavior throughout the course of the evening is downright aggravating. Thankfully, as with other canine nasty habits, you can train your dog to stop pouncing if you’re willing to put in some work.
Why do Dogs Jump?
Jumping is one of the most nimble skills that a dog can possess. And in the proper context, it's a rather charming skill to have. However, this context is best served in the competition circuit and not in your home.
Some camps believe the reason that dogs jump is because they are trying to assert dominance over a human; a reminder that they are the alpha dog. Other camps believe that it’s simply their way of greeting you, and to fan the flames of attention their way. In some cases, they will accompany their leaping with some licking, which may feel a little unsanitary if you stop to think about where the dog’s tongue may have been during the day.
In a way, we as dog owners potentially have ourselves to blame for these shenanigans, especially if we’ve had the dog when they were puppies. After all, the site of a wee pup jumping up begging for our attention is pretty adorable, and we may not mind it as much when they are in their formative years. This tends to change when they are older, especially when they grow into big dogs, which is where the troubles begin.
So How I do I Stop Him From Jumping?

Fortunately, the habit of jumping can be broken by incorporating a few basic training techniques. However, training your dog not to jump requires a different mindset from other training procedures, such as teaching him how to shake or sit. In the case of training your dog not to jump, turning the cold shoulder is the key.
For instance, let’s say your jumpy little dog wants to pounce on you whenever you return from being gone. You most likely miss him, too, and you’ll be tempted to respond in kind. However, if you encourage his level of excitement when you see him, his jumpy behavior will increase.
Instead, what you’ll want to do is resist engaging him until he calms down and all of his paws are touching the floor. This includes speaking to him, as speaking in a happy, high-pitched voice will exacerbate his excitement. Once the dog has calmed down and is subdued, you can then engage and love on him.
In some cases, you may notice that your dog gravitates toward a toy out of sheer excitement. If that's the case, it's a good idea to keep a toy next to the door when you get home. That way, you can give him the toy when you get home as a means of re-focusing his energy.
Giving your dog the silent treatment is equally effective during other times when he literally tries to get the jump on you. All you need to do when he starts acting up is to turn your back to him and look away. It may take some time for him to stop, but eventually, he'll get the message.
How Do You Control Jumping on Other People?
Getting your dog to stop jumping on your guests is a little trickier. One of the reasons for this is because this particular training method is a two-person job. This makes a great deal of sense; after all, your pooch is going to have to want to jump up on someone other than you.
This training starts off by giving your dog the “sit” command. Next, your assistant - who should be someone your dog likes and trusts, will approach the dog, and proceeds to walk away the moment the dog starts to jump. Repeat this exercise until the dog stops jumping, then reward your pooch with a treat after he successfully completes the exercise.
Your Dog Will Still Love You!
As you carry out this training exercise, you may start feeling a little guilty, as if your silent treatment is somehow breaking his heart. This is not the case - your dog will still be your loyal companion even after this type of training. And in a way, knowing this is the best part of this particular behavioral correction.