ShiTzu Pomeranian Mix (Shiranian): 7 to 12 Inches Of Fluff
The designer dog mix combining the Shih Tzu and the Pomeranian is the kind of pooch that lovers of toy breeds seem to really enjoy. Energetic, loyal, and sociable, these bubbly hybrids like to put on a show for anyone and everyone. Are they the right dog for you?
A Basic Overview of the Shih Tzu Pomeranian Mix
Like most of the designer dogs out there, there isn’t a pinpointed origin story to the Shih Tzu Pomeranian Mix. However, it’s been noted that they’ve made an enormous splash within the past two decades. Part of the reason why their star has risen is that the little guys have been a popular hybrid amongst the celebrity set.
Even though the hybrid is a popular one, it seems like nobody can quite agree on its name. Its most common moniker is the Shiranain, but there are several other names that have been given. Pomshi, Shih a Pom, Shih-Pom, and Pom-Tzu are some of the ways you may see this hybrid referred to as you search to obtain one from a reputable breeder.
Whatever you call it, the hybrid has a unique look that makes the concept “love at first sight” a distinct possibility for perspective dog owners. The little dog usually has a double coat that can be long and silky like a Shih Tzu. However, the Pomeranian’s DNA can add a bit of a curly wave to the coat, which may make them look slightly puffy.
The Shiranian’s coat can come in a wide range of colors, such as orange, red, sable, gray, chocolate, brindle, and more. The dog also boasts an impressive height and weight range for a toy dog. The hybrid can range from 7 to 12 inches tall, and can weigh anywhere between 4 to 16 pounds.
The Personality of a Shiranian
One of the big, non-celebrity-related reasons why the Shiranian has exploded in popularity is that the hybrid has personality plus. The toy dog is almost like a little wind-up toy; packed with energy and an eagerness to please whoever is in their presence. They’re also clever dogs that will constantly find ways to keep their audience engaged.
This dog is also an extremely affectionate pooch that loves to spend as much quality time with their owners as possible. They yearn for constant companionship, and will quickly turn into your little shadow once you’ve established a bond. So much so, you may find instances of going to the bathroom without your pooch in tow to be rare.
While this personality can be endearing, it can also be a little narcissistic. The Shiranian’s penchant for goofiness and entertainment stems from a need to be the center of attention for as much as possible. In fact, the hybrid tends to carry a jealous streak and will amp up its “look at me” game if they feel they’re being slighted.
The Shiranians’ yen for affection also tends to make them a little bit needy. The hybrid can easily become over-attached to you and your family, and may suffer from bouts of anxiety and depression if left along for long stretches of time. These feelings may lead them to do aggressive behaviors as a coping mechanism.
Also, don’t expect your Shiranian to win any awards for being a watchdog. These eager-to-please puffs of joy are more likely to try love on a stranger than bark at one. The upside here is that they aren’t prone to barking like other small breeds.
The hybrid’s penchant for friendliness makes them a good fit for families with children or other pets. However, you may want to reconsider bringing one in the home if you have kids under a certain age, as young children may not have a grasp at the little dog’s fragility.
The Shiranian at Play
If you get a Shrianian, you’re getting a dog that loves to play. This video gives you a small but active sample of the kind of activity you may expect to see in your home. Chances are, this is the type of behavior you’d hope to find in an energetic little doggie such as this.
What are the Exercise Needs of a Shiranian?
Even though Shiranians are bursts of energy that loves to play and be active, they don’t require a whole lot of exercise to keep them happy. They don’t even require a yard to play in, although it’s still good to have one provided that yard play is supervised. After all, smaller Shrianians may look like lunch to a hawk.
The amount of exercise does depend a bit on the size of the pooch. Smaller dogs just require a short, brisk walk, while you can get away with longer walks if you have a larger version of the dog. Larger Shiranians may also enjoy a good trip to the park now and then.
It's important that you learn how to read your dog’s body language when you go for a walk. What may feel like a normal walk for you with a smaller dog may be too much for this hybrid. What’s more, the dogs don’t handle overexertion too well, and they can turn your walk into a “carry” if not you’re not too careful.
Are Shiranians Easy to Train?
Shrianians are bright dogs that have the ability to pick up on tasks rather quickly. This is particularly the case if you’re dealing with a young version of the hybrid, where training and socialization tend to occur. However, the dogs’ intellect can lead them into stubborn behavior which, left unchecked, can make training a difficult ordeal.
They’re also smart enough to detect when you’re getting frustrated over training; this could lead them to assume they’re in control if you’re not careful. Therefore, be sure to train with a gentle yet firm hand so your leadership can be fully established. Of course, you shouldn’t discount the power of praise and treats, either.
What are the Grooming Needs of a Shiranian

Shiranians aren’t exactly shedding machines like other dogs, but they do leave a decent amount of hair behind. To mitigate the amount of hair scattered about your home, you’ll want to brush the dog’s coat on a daily basis. Since the hybrid tends to have long hair, daily brushing will also help lessen the development of tangles and mats.
As the daily brushing may indicate, the Shiranian is a high-maintenance dog. If you want your pooch to look their best, you may want to consider obtaining the services of a professional groomer on occasion. Of course, you’ll also have to handle routine grooming tasks like nail clipping, ear wiping, and tooth brushing on a routine basis.
Are Shiranians Healthy Dogs?
Because Shiranians haven’t been around that long, the hybrid hasn’t necessarily developed their own predispositions for certain medical conditions. However, you may be able to get a bead on what ailments may develop within your hybrid by taking a gander at the ailments associated with their parental breeds.
As such, some of the issues you may encounter with your Shriranians include patellar luxation, collapsed trachea, hip dysplasia, and various issues pertaining to the bladder, liver, and kidney. You may want to be proactive when you obtain your hybrid and ask the breeder what kinds of ailments manifested within the parental breed’s bloodline.
When you do bring your Shiranian home, you’ll want to protect it from extreme swings in weather, as the hybrid doesn’t handle temps that are too warm or too cold. As such, you should always keep your pooch indoors in a comfortable, temperature-controlled environment.
Overall, you can expect your little four-legged friend to bring you plenty of joy for a long time. The average Shiranian live between 13 to 15 years. They get this longevity from both sets of parents, as the both the Shih Tzu and the Pomeranian can live up to 16 years.
How Much is a Shiranian Going to Cost Me?
As you may have guessed, bringing one of these popular pooches into your home is going to cost you a pretty penny. The average new price for a Shiranian pup ranges from $250 to $1300. Factors like age, reputation of the breeder, and scarcity cause this actual price tag of the dog to fluctuate.
You should also keep in mind the other expenses that are involved in bringing a pooch into your home. Some of these costs include visits to the vet, licensing, neutering, chipping, and basic day to day needs like food and toys. These various expenditures may set you back by as much as $1150 per year.
A Fun and Playful Little Love
Equipped with an indomitable playful streak and the desire to do whatever it takes to please people, the Shiranian is a dog that can fill a home large or small with a huge amount of joy. While the hybrid constantly strives to be the center of attention, their cuteness and willingness to dish out affection makes it easy for you to follow their antics.