5 Pests that Are Harmful to Pets

As a vet, you already know how to deal with everything from diseases to colds in the pets you see. You've even learned how to deal with customers who haven't paid their bills. Of course, you give advice and treatment to every pet you can.
You've probably had your vets office, clinic, and kennels treated by a professional pest control company like moxieservices.com, so you know the pets are safe in your care, but what about when they're at home? If you have a customer come in that wants to know which pests that are most harmful to pets, what should you tell them? You know the answer, but the top five are listed below.
You already know that the soft fur on pets is the perfect place for fleas to hide, but a pet’s parent might not know the dangers of not getting rid of a flea infestation when they see one. Since these pests feed on the blood of pets, letting fleas go untreated can lead to serious complications. Some pets are allergic to fleas, so make sure to look at the pet carefully when it's brought into your office, and give the patient some tips on getting rid of the flea infestation — not only on their own pet, but on their property and in their home as well.
Most pet owners already know the terrible dangers associated with mosquitoes and humans, however, many don't realize how dangerous they can be to their beloved pets as well. Mosquito bites can give a pet heartworm, a condition that will kill them without proper treatment. Preventing a pet from getting bitten by an infected mosquito is important, just as it is with a human. Let your patients know that when spring and summer roll around and the mosquitoes come out in droves in many areas of the country.
Most pet-owners already know that ticks are dangerous to their pets. What they might not know is that a tick can survive for an entire year without feeding, so they need to keep an eye on their pets and make sure they are tick-free year-round. Ticks carry many tick-borne diseases that are dangerous to humans and their pets as well.
Fire Ants
As with humans, pets can survive with a fire ant bite or two. However, more than that can lead to an allergic reaction that can be fatal. This is especially true for smaller dogs, who can't take the poison injected by a whole swarm of fire ants and will succumb to the poison quickly. It's best to instruct pet owners to check for and get rid of any ant hills in their yards and to watch their pets carefully when they are out and about as well.
Wasps and Bees
A wasp or bee sting is painful to humans, but it can be just as painful to pets who are stung. And, just like humans, pets can have an allergic reaction to the poison in the sting. Warn pet owners to keep an eye on their pets and, if they notice any symptoms of them being stung, to take them in for treatment right away. Symptoms to watch for include excessive drooling, a swollen head, and pale gums.
These are a few of the very real dangers that pests can be to pets. As a vet, it's important for you to warn pet parents, and tell them what treatment options they have if their pet is stung or bitten by one of these five pests and exhibit symptoms of sickness that need to be dealt with quickly.