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The Best Dog Care and Health Articles

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis in Dogs (What You Should Know!)

Your dog has looked healthy for years. Suddenly, he is stricken with diarrhea. It’s not just any diarrhea, though – it’s bloody, bright, and it’s in a massive quantity. The bloody, runny stool is a sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, and it’s a condition you need to treat immediately. Quick Navigation Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis at a GlanceHow […]

Can Dogs Eat Salt Without Getting Sick? Facts You Must Know

There comes a point when dog owners who often give themselves scraps like french fries or potato chips wonder: Can dogs eat salt? I know that I didn’t think much about the possible effects of salt on my dog’s health until I started learning about proper nutrition for pets and just how vital vitamin balance […]