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The 4 Best Durable Dog Toys

I’ve tried to demonstrate several times on this site that I’m a firm believer in spending a little extra money on quality products. To me it makes more sense to purchase something that’s going to last 10 years, rather than going cheap on something that’ll last a few months. I think dog toys are an […]

Seresto Flea Collar (Reviews You Can Use)

The flea collar is one of the most time-honored flea treatments you can provide to your dog. One of the more recognizable names out there is Soresto. Equipped with named credentials and a promise of being long-lasting, it’s a collar that tends to stand out. Is it worth purchasing? Quick Navigation Seresto Flea Collar at […]

Diamond Dog Food Reviews, Ratings, Recalls, Ingredients!

​Diamond Dog Food Reviews, Ratings, Recalls, Ingredients!About the CompanyThe company behind Diamond dog food is Diamond Pet Food. They also make Diamond Naturals and Diamond Grain-Free lines. Each line has its faults and benefits, but the company behind them is the same. Today, we’ll focus on the traditional Diamond line, because there are many owners […]

Top 5 Picks Of Dog Pools For Large Dogs

As a resident of Las Vegas, I feel very hot during the summer and the same can be said of my dog. The summer heat in LV can go as high as 102 degrees Fahrenheit. I realized that during the summer, my furry friend often showed overheating symptoms. These symptoms include rapid panting, diarrhea, vomiting, and […]

Read This Petcube Review Before Buying

I am a new pet owner who adopted a twelve-year-old Labrador from a rescue center a few months ago. Since then, we have become bosom buddies who are almost inseparable.My dream is to always stay connected to my furry buddy. When I can, I travel with my dog but this is not always possible. When I […]