Taking Care of Your Pooch with At Home Dog Grooming
Grooming is a vital part of dog ownership. It can also be rather pricey, particularly if you have a breed known for having long or difficult fur. However, learning how to groom your pooch at home can help lower the price of your dog looking his best significantly.
Things to Keep in Mind Before You Begin Grooming

Arguably, the most important tool you can have when you decide to groom your dog is patience. Chances are, the first couple of times you try to trim your pooch’s fun won’t come out perfect. Don’t let this discourage you - remember, your dog’s fur will grow back!
You should also take the time to research your dog's breed to make sure it doesn't have any special grooming needs. Obvious factors like fur along with somewhat less obvious factors such as dog size play a key role in determining how what you need to take care of your dog's needs properly. Additionally, puppies may have special grooming needs that full-grown dogs do not.
If you’re interested in grooming your dog at home but are still anxious about taking the plunge, you can always talk to a dog groomer or a breeder to learn how to do things the right way. A groomer or breeder should be able to get into the specifics about doggie maintenance, particularly if your pooch is a breed that requires special care. There is also an abundance of internet videos that can provide handy tips on how to handle certain breeds that you can reference at home.
A Look at the Actual Grooming Process
Once you're ready to groom your pooch, you should not only be keenly aware of the equipment you need but also how to use it correctly. This might sound a bit intimidating if you've never tried this before, but there isn't a whole lot to the practice. In fact, most basic grooming techniques boil down to common sense.
Ideally, you should be looking to clip your dog's fur about every 6 to 8 weeks. During the interim, you should also take the time to brush your dog's fur. This prevents mats from developing, which could cause your buddy's coat to become a tangled mess - particularly if he has a long or layered coat.
In between grooming sessions, you should also take care of your clippers to make sure they are running smoothly and efficiently every time you use them. One tactic you can deploy is to purchase clipper spray to keep the clipper blades lubricated and free of debris. You can typically pick up clipper spray at your neighborhood pet store.
Another key part of clipper maintenance is to make sure they stay sharp. Dull clipper blades may tug on the dog’s fur as you try to trim, which could cause your buddy a bit of discomfort. There are different blades that you can choose from when you are ready to groom, so be mindful of whatever techniques are required to keep them their sharpest.
Keep in mind that there are other aspects of at home grooming apart from clipping your dog’s fur. It’s always wise to check on his eyes, ears, teeth, and paws to make sure they are in tip-top condition. If you feel comfortable in your grooming skills, you can also perform more advanced grooming techniques, such as checking anal glands.
Saving Money Isn’t the Only Benefit Behind At Home Dog Grooming
While saving a buck or two may be the prime mover behind you deciding to groom your dog at home, there are a few other benefits that stem from the process. For one thing, grooming your dog yourself helps to deepen the bond that you have between you and him, as your dog will view your maintenance-fueled benevolence as a symbol of trust. Secondly, due to the intimate nature of dog grooming, you’ll be able to take inventory on your dog’s overall health, both in his appearance and in his disposition.
All of these reasons make fine arguments regarding why at home dog grooming is a good decision. But let’s not forget the one intangible that underscores these elements - specifically, you love your dog. Why wouldn’t you want to do what is ultimately best for him?