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Clint Worthington

Clint Worthington has a bunch of writing jobs across the web for more than 10 years. He is involved in writing and hosting podcasts as well. The brilliant personal approach to any topic he writes about and his own pet parenting gave him the ability to create high quality content for pet blogs too.

Dogs Rescued in Ogden Drug Bust (Forever Homes Still Needed)

Several weeks after a meth bust in Ogden, Utah led to the rescue of 29 chihuahuas, eleven of those dogs still need a forever home, according to the Weber County Animal Shelter. After the dogs’ rescue on October 14th, the Ogden community admirably banded together to offer food and supplies to the animal shelter, and […]

Why Dog-Walking Apps Are Becoming Popular

Nowadays, we have mobile apps not only for ordering food or hailing a cab but also for walking a dog.  The dog walking mobile apps have become popular due to the following reasons:Unexpected circumstances. We live in a world with high entropy. Thus, everything is possible, especially in the urban environment, when you can spend an […]

24 Confirmed Cases of Canine Parvovirus in D.C.

If you are a dog owner in Washington, DC, you may want to take extra precautions for the next few days. Reports indicate that 24 confirmed cases of canine parvovirus have been detected in the city between June and October of 2015. This rash of illness has led health officials in DC to issue a […]