My Dog Poops Too Much (An Effective Recommendation)
You know that your dog will have to do his business throughout the day. But recently, you’ve noticed an uptick in his poop production. Moreover, you’ve noticed that it’s runny and located in unusual places, like inside your home. Is there something wrong?
How Much is Too Much?
Usually, it’s normal for a dog to poop about 1 to 5 times per day. Certain factors play into this fluctuating amount, such as age, diet, and amount of food consumed within a 24 hour period. While you may see an outlying day where your dog goes over this amount, there may be an issue afoot if an excess of this number happens with great persistency.
What to Look For if Your Dog is Pooping Too Much
If you notice a pattern of excessive feces elimination, the first thing you’ll want to note is where he is doing his business. Observe whether or not the extra poops correlate with the presence of feces in your home. Certain behavioral patterns may be in play, like separation anxiety or a disdain for cold days, and you may be able to determine if this is what’s going on since you live with him.
Next, you’ll want to determine whether or not the stool is solid. In general, if your dog’s poop is moist yet firm and mild in color, it shouldn’t be much cause for alarm. However, if the stool is watery, soft, or covered in mucus, then it could be symptomatic of a larger problem.
If you notice that your dog's excessive pooping habits are accompanied by chronic diarrhea, you will want to keep an eye on your dog and look for other signs that may correlate with soft stool. Some of these signs may include fever, dehydration, loss of appetite, or lethargy. These conditions can point to a medical condition that may require the aid of your veterinarian to overcome.
How to Prepare for a Vet Visit

Going to the veterinarian will most likely give you the answers to questions regarding your dog's stool-related health that you can't pick up on your own. However, while your vet is trained to diagnose your pooch, he or she may need your assistance to produce a proper diagnosis. Essentially, this means to be prepared.
The most important part of this preparation is to bring a stool sample from your dog for your vet to observe. Doing so will make it possible to pinpoint any underlying reasons diarrhea may be happening. You won't need a massive amount to present to your vet - all you need to do is shovel a small portion in a baggie, and you’ll be good to go.
Dietary Change: An Effective Weapon in the Fight Against Diarrhea
If your vet has ruled out severe illness, or if you determine your dog is acting normal apart from diarrhea, then an adjustment to his diet may be in order. This would not necessarily constitute a complete overhaul of his dietary habits, mind you. It would just be a temporary shift to get his digestive system back on track.
The first thing you can do is withhold just food from your dog for around 12 hours. After you’ve reached this time marker, put him on a bland diet that is filled with lean meat and minimizes grains. Once you see that his stool has firmed up, you can go back to normal feeding, although you may want to consider a change in dog food if you feel it played a role in his diarrheic tendencies.
Love Your Dog - Don’t Blame Him!
Dog diarrhea can be a nasty substance to deal with, and its presence may leave us feeling frustrated and a little grossed out. However, you always need to remember that your dog’s runny poop is not due to any sense of maliciousness or conniving on his part. In all likelihood, he simply couldn’t make it to his designated “business appointment,” if you will.
So do remember to keep your emotions and check and don’t take your frustrations out on your dog. Yes, he made a mess, but he didn’t mean to. Besides, you can probably read this in his furry little face, can’t you?