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Detect Dry Rot in a Building – With a Sniffer Dog!

Dogs have a natural ability to track things down using their amazing sense of smell – that’s a fact. Did you know that our canine companions have a staggering 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses and that their brains are 40 times more devoted to analyzing smells, compared to us humans? It’s no wonder […]

Rhinoplasty for Dogs

Every breed of dog has their own unique qualities and can be predisposed to certain health issues. Some breeds such as pugs, bulldogs, Boston terriers, boxers, Pekingese, and Shih Tzus are considered to be brachycephalic.  Brachycephalic dogs have faces that appear to be pushed in, and as such are prone to obstructive airway diseases that […]

Canine Coddler: Your Dog’s Relief From Anxiety

Thousands of dogs across the globe suffer from anxiety due to extreme sensory related issues. Fireworks, car horns, people shouting, even fast travel- none of these things are normal to a dog’s natural environment. Until recently, there hasn’t been a solution in sight. Quick Navigation Car/Travel AnxietyWarm, Comfortable EscapeRelief from Loud, Shocking NoisesGet Rid of […]

How to Make Your Dog Love You

SourceWe all know that popular saying: “Dogs are man’s best friend” and it’s common knowledge that they didn’t become friends with humans overnight. They’ve been living in harmony with humans for thousands of years. Dogs are intelligent, expressive and loyal creatures that deserve every bit of our love and respect. Follow these tips and your […]

Top Five Ways to Improve Your Dog’s Wellbeing  

The term ‘Wellness’ is inescapable these days. You can’t throw a stick without hitting a dozen attractive young ‘wellness bloggers’ claiming that avocado will sort out all your problems, and coconut oil will transform your life. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our physical and mental health. Ultimately, the key to a healthy and happy life is […]

Will a pet help my child through a divorce?

Pediatricians say that children who have caring parents and live in a stable and consistent environment will continue to thrive – even if they suffer temporary setbacks such as their parents divorcing. A pet can contribute to that atmosphere of love by offering a calm, steady presence. And care of a pet can be a […]

Pet Proof Your Favourite Furniture

Quick Navigation Having pets can be wonderful. Not only do they give you comfort, but they also are a companion when you need it. This is why many people decide to have a dog, cat, lizard, fish, hamster or rabbit in their lives. The only trouble with pets is that there are some negatives of welcoming […]

Is Your Dog Safe From Fleas and Ticks?

Fleas and ticks – they’re no big deal, right? Doesn’t every dog get them? While it’s true that fleas and ticks are common parasites that affect most dogs at one point or other in their lives, it’s not true that these biting, blood-sucking little fiends are no big deal. Flea and tick infestations can post a […]