By Tyler J. Fordham on

7 Best Dog Treats for Small Dogs (A Review)

By Alexander Emets on

9 Ways to Get Your Dog More Exercise

Can Dogs Eat Seaweed? (Discover the Truth)

Seaweed has been a supplement that has been highly touted human food supplement for years. Rich in nutrients and pretty tasty when properly prepared, it’s certainly something people have happily turned to for improved health. But do these well-known traits translate to the canine world? Quick Navigation Free Shipping on Dog Supplies at Chewy.comFree Shipping […]

Best Dog Food for Cocker Spaniels: Diet for Optimal Health

Best Dog Food for Cocker Spaniels: Diet for Optimal HealthCocker Spaniels are gorgeous, funny little dogs, but they’re also prone to tons of different health issues (more on that later). So it’s important that you do everything you can to keep your dog healthy. Just like anything other living creature, staying healthy starts with maintaining […]