By Tyler J. Fordham on

7 Best Dog Treats for Small Dogs (A Review)

By Alexander Emets on

9 Ways to Get Your Dog More Exercise

Can Dogs Eat Ice Cubes? (Fact or Fearmongering)

Don’t give your dog ice cubes or he will die! You may have seen an online anecdote or have been forwarded a message from your relative that forwards everything warning you about the perils of dogs ingesting ice cubes, fronted by a similarly ominous, scare-inducing headline. But is it accurate? Quick Navigation The Short Answer: […]

Benadryl for Dogs? (Some Basic Tips)

It’s not uncommon for a dog to experience an allergic reaction. If you have them yourself, you already know how miserable your pooch may feel. In our desire to help our four-legged friends, we may decide to turn to Benadryl to provide him aid. But should we? Quick Navigation What Causes Dog Allergies?Can Benadryl be […]

How Much Does a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Cost? (Is it Worth the Price Tag?)

They’re strong. They have a remarkable work ethic. They have unbridled enthusiasm. They’re also fiercely protective. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog comes equipped with a lot of tremendous qualities that appeal to potential dog owners. But do they come with an intimidating price tag? Quick Navigation All About the Greater Swiss Mountain DogThe Initial and […]