Can Dogs Eat Pork? Is It Toxic Or #1 Protein? [Truth Bombs!]
There are many people who genuinely believe that pork is bad for dogs. Veterinarians, too, will often say that pork is bad for dogs. But pork is gradually making its way into many top tier dog foods, and people are wondering what’s going on.
Is pork good for dogs to eat? Pork in and of itself is not bad for dogs. Sure, there are some pork products that you should not feed your dog, but there are some dog foods you shouldn’t feed your dog either!
I’m here today to help find a better understanding about why pork is often given a bad name, what kind of pork is okay to feed, and how to decide if pork is right for your dog. By going through some common questions that people have about pork, I hope I can make pork’s place in dog food more clear!
Where Does The Bad Name For Pork Come From?
When the rumors of pork being bad for dogs began, it was when unhealthy treats like pig’s ears were causing dogs to get sick because of their dangerous makeup and high levels of fat.
In reality, is pork bad for dogs? No. Because dog’s became sick when eating ham, bacon, or other fatty parts of the dog, people began to believe that dogs should never eat pork. That led to the incorrect idea that pork is hard to digest for dogs.
There also used to be a fear that trichinosis would be given to your dog from the meat. Symptoms it can cause include:
- Muscle soreness
- Intense body pain
- Upper eyelid swelling
What people don’t realize is that any raw or undercooked meat that isn’t either cooked fully or harvested properly can lead to parasites affecting your dog’s health. Any time you choose to serve your dog truly raw meat, you are taking a risk, so you have to be sure you know what you’re doing when freezing and preparing their food.
In pork’s case, it’s recommended that it be frozen for at least three weeks to kill off any possible parasites before cooking or feeding it.
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Can Dogs Eat Pork Bones?
Can you give dogs pork bones to chew on? Yes and no. I won’t say that I recommend this, but I believe that you can do this as long as you follow some simple rules.
Pork rib bones (like other bones) can break and cause choking, internal injury. If you’re going to feed bones, you should feed them raw as they are less likely to break than cooking pork bones:
In Bones, Is Pork Good For Dogs?
Some people wonder: Can you give dogs pork bones to make them healthier?
Two things that some dog owners think pork bones help with are:
- To make poop less smelly
- To fix teeth
Dog’s teeth benefit from the friction that chewing causes. If you’re worried about bones breaking or being a problem, however, you can get a dental chew style treat that will help teeth with the same kind of friction.
If you’re going to feed your dog pork bones, remember these rules:
- Limit time with the bone so they don’t break it
- Limit size of the bone so that they can actually chew it
- Limit type of bone, raw meat bones are best as they’re less likely to break
Isn’t There Pork In Dog Food?
Yes, sometimes there is.
Is pork meat good for dogs in dog food? Yes, it is.
You have to remember that the pork that goes into good dog food’s will be defatted, and it will be a lean cut of meat. Fat is really the issue when it comes to feeding pork, as high levels of fat fed to your dog can cause pancreatitis, but good dog food will contain defatted pork, so you don’t need to worry about this.
Can Dogs Eat Pork Meat If I Choose The Right Meat Product?

Yes, they can! The key is to choose a lean cut and make sure you are not giving them a lot of fat as they would get in bacon.
Pork tenderloin is a great choice.It’s a thin strip of meat that has barely any fat on it. It’s a very expensive cut of meat, but if you want to feed your dog raw or cooked pork, this is the choice to go with.
Don’t skimp and buy loin instead. Loin is fattier than tenderloin and can cause digestive problems that might lead to dangerous disorders like pancreatitis. Tenderloins is your best low-fat pork option.
You can also combine pork with pork organ meats to round out the nutrient levels your dogs will get from the meat!
Is Cooked Pork Good For Dogs?
Can dogs eat cooked pork? If feeding raw makes you cringe, you can also cook pork before feeding it to dogs. You will want to dehydrate it, cook it in no oil, or something like that, however, to keep any additional ingredients from getting into your dog’s food.
Can A Dog Be Allergic To Pork?
Yes, some dogs are allergic to pork. Like any animal protein source, it is possible for a dog to be allergic. If you find that your dog seems to be allergic to pork, ask your vet to help you figure it out and avoid pork products going forward.
Can I Give My Dog Pork If It’s Raw, Fresh Pork?
Should dogs eat pork if it’s raw? It’s okay to do. You just want to make sure that you kill any risk of parasites by freezing it for a few weeks before feeding it.
This can be a risk, however, so I suggest buying a raw patty food from a reputable raw dog food producer instead. They test products for parasites and keep out additives. This keeps the food raw but safe for your dog!
Pork Is Okay!
There you have it! Yes, they can eat pork! The rumor that dogs cannot eat pork is a thing of the past.
In fact, you’ll see that many of the best dog food brands carry foods with pork in them. Feeding your dog raw or cooked pork at home can be stressful because of the time required and the fear of infection; remember that you can turn to reputable brands with pork-based dog foods instead to get your dog a healthy, nutritious diet!
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