The Best Couch Potato Dogs (Lazy Lumps of Love)

The need for exercise is something that may intimidate potential dog owners from bringing a pooch into your home. And there are several breeds that can only thrive if they're given an active lifestyle. However, there are other breeds whose idea of heaven is to do absolutely nothing.

The Importance of Matching a Breed to Your Lifestyle

When it comes to dog ownership, there's no shame in being a couch potato…just as long as you get a breed that matches that personality. If you are looking for a dog that doesn't mind lounging about by your side most of the day, you really shouldn't consider getting a breed whose bloodline dictates a need for plenty of exercises and outdoor activity. Getting an active dog and forcing him into a sedentary lifestyle will not make him the best pet - and, frankly, it's patently unfair for the pooch.

Fortunately, there are several online tools that you can utilize that will help you find the right dog to fit your personality. The beauty of these tools is that they eliminate the guesswork regarding whether or not a breed is a good fit for your personality. They may also turn you on to a breed that you may never have thought of - or even heard of - before.

So What Exactly Is a Couch Potato Dog?

As the term suggest, a couch potato dog is a low-energy pooch that doesn't take a whole lot of pleasure in living an on-the-go lifestyle. They don't mind getting out and stretching their legs every now and again, just as long as you don't make being overtly active a habit. On the whole, they'd prefer curling up somewhere cozy and chilling for as long as possible.

It may be easy to assume that couch potato dogs are on the smaller side since they can fit comfortably on a couch (not to mention your lap!). The truth of the matter is, though, that couch potato pooches come in all shapes and sizes. In fact, some of the largest breeds in the canine kingdom make ideal couch potato dogs, such as Great Danes or Newfoundlands.

It should be noted that even traditionally active breeds can make great couch potato dogs once they get older. Even though these particular dogs lose a step or can't recoup energy as great over time, their love and devotion to a good, kind-hearted owner will never waiver. If you're looking for a couch potato dog and don't need a puppy or a young dog to feel fulfilled, a more mature dog may be an excellent solution to meet your needs.

Couch Potato Dogs as Puppies

You figured out what couch potato breed you want. You found a sweet little purebred puppy - let’s just say a Bichon Frise for the sake of argument - and he’s going to rule the sofa cushions by your side from day one. Things are going to be as mellow as can be, right?

Well, not so fast. When couch potato dogs are in puppy form, they will be little bundles of unbridled energy, just like all puppies are. Eventually, they will settle into their typical temperament - especially when you teach them some essential training techniques - but you can expect the kind of frenetic bursts of energy that all dogs exhibit when they are starting out in life.

There’s Still a Few Things to Consider

Even if you and a couch potato breed are a match made in heaven, there are still a few metrics that need to be taken into consideration before you pick your pooch. Elements like the size of your home and the amount of “alone time” the dog will have on a daily basis are all things you should ponder en route to finding the perfect match. If you ignore these items, you may still have a less-than-optimal dog ownership experience.

If you properly weigh these outcomes and have narrowed down your choice to a couple of ideal breeds, then congratulations! You have taken one giant step into selecting a pooch that will fill your days with love, warmth, and kindness. He won't fill you with an enhanced sense of exercise, of course, but you probably don't mind that in the least bit.