Golden Dox: Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix

As we all know, Dachshund puppies and Golden Retriever puppies and some of the cutest out there. Imagine the two together as mixed-breed dogs. Golden Retriever Dachshunds are some of the hottest new dogs out there. This hybrid designer dog is lovable, fun, and goofy... as well as stunningly gorgeous!
However, you have a number of questions concerning this and other mixed-breed dogs. That’s understandable. In this article, we’ll take a crack at answering those questions about this designer dog. By the end, you’ll have a better idea of whether this dog is the right choice for you.
A Golden Weiner Dog is a hybrid of a Golden Retriever and a Dachshund. Both of these dogs are popular family pets in the U.S. and it's easy to understand why a hybrid would be desirable.
The Golden Weiner Dog goes by a couple of different names. You might hear it called a Golden Retriever Dachshund mix or a Golden Dachshund. They are also commonly referred to as a Golden Dox.
The Golden Dox is not considered a breed. This is because it is still so new and there is not yet a standardized dog. All breeds start as a hybrid but, over time, the traits and characteristics tend to become more stable. Eventually, it will be recognized as a "pure" breed and you can generally know what to expect.
This has not happened yet with the Golden Weiner Dog and each animal is different. The personality and the needs of each dog will depend entirely on the parents. It will also depend on how much Golden Retriever or Dachshund each dog has. They will all lean one way or another, depending on their genetic makeup.
Golden Dachshunds are different from their parent breeds in a number of ways.
First and foremost, the appearance of these dogs can be very different. Golden Doxes can either look like smaller Golden Retrievers or larger Dachshunds. They can also look like a perfect blend of the two. The look of the dog will depend a lot of the Dachshund side of the equation since Golden Retrievers have standard appearances.
Golden Doxes will have medium-to-long coats that can either be smooth or wiry. If the Dachshund half comes from a wire-haired dog, then the chances of a wiry dog are higher. They can come in a variety of colors, from gold to black and tan.
These dogs inherited their size from the Golden Retriever, though they are not as big. They can stand as tall as 23 inches and weigh anywhere from 30–60 pounds. This puts them squarely in the medium-sized dog category. This is a great size for most people. It's big enough to feel like a real dog but small enough that it isn't overwhelming.
Your Dachshund Golden Retriever mix’s appearance and temperament are where the Golden Dachshund really differs from its parents. This is because there is a tension between the two breeds. Goldens love to please their humans and will go out of their way to please. Dachshunds are more independent-minded and stubborn. They will test the boundaries of your authority and will make their own decisions.

Golden Dachshunds make sense as a lovable dog but, if you are considering a puppy, you might want to think twice. These dogs could be very difficult to train because of their parents.
If your dog leans more towards a Golden Retriever, training should not be too much of an issue. Goldens are one of the easiest breeds to train because they want to make their owners happy. They can border on obsessive and will keep practicing a command until they get it right.
Dachshunds are harder to train because of their stubbornness. Though they are quick learners, they are not as concerned with obeying commands. If you tell a Dachshund to sit and it doesn't feel like it, don't expect the dog to sit. They will decide when to comply with your requests, not the other way around.
If your dog is more of a Golden, get ready for lots of practice. Goldens learn well through repetition and positive reinforcement. If it responds correctly to a command, make sure to give the dog a treat and an enthusiastic petting. They will associate this reward with the command and will quickly catch on. This is why Goldens are so often used for disability assistance—they learn fast and can be taught advanced tricks.
However, if your dog is more of a Dachshund, be prepared to be patient. Unlike the Golden, this dog needs to be trained in nearly all aspects of their lives.
You should always wait for your dog to be calm before asking it to sit or lay down. The dog should be immediately rewarded with praise and a treat to start building a connection. It is important to remain consistent with this dog type as well. Make sure everyone in your family understands which commands to use.
No matter what, your Golden Dox should be socialized with other animals early on. Dachshunds have an extreme prey drive and will chase after cats, rabbits, and other dogs if they are not taught otherwise.
Your Golden Dox will also need plenty of exercise. Both of the parent breeds are hunting dogs, and they are used to spending their lives outside. As a result, this breed is best for active families. You should prepare to spend 30–60 minutes a day exercising the dog. It's best to take it for a walk in the morning and again in the evening.
If your dog leans more towards a retriever, fetch is always a great game to play. If it is more of a Dachshund, though, you might want to avoid the game entirely.
No matter what, your Golden Dox will be fun, lovable, and loyal to you and your family. They are a great pet for anyone who has the time and patience to raise them properly.
The dog can be expensive and you should always buy it from a reputable breeder. The breeder will be able to tell you all about the bloodline of the parents. This will help you understand if your dog is more of a Dachshund and a Golden, allowing you to prepare accordingly. Expect this to cost you around $1,000 but know that it is money well spent.