By Tyler J. Fordham on

7 Best Dog Treats for Small Dogs (A Review)

By Alexander Emets on

9 Ways to Get Your Dog More Exercise

Life’s Abundance Dog Food Reviews (Ratings, Recalls, Ingredients!)

​Life’s Abundance Dog Food Reviews (Ratings, Recalls, Ingredients!)About the Company Life’s Abundance is a company based in Jupiter, Florida. It specializes in dog food, cat food, and nutritional supplements. The company was founded in 1998 and began as a business endeavor run out of its owners’ home. However, it originally operated under the name Trilogy […]

Designer Breeding Grows Increasingly Harmful (Expert Opinion)

Designer dogs are a long-standing and prevalent phenomenon in dog ownership – where dog breeders engage in selective mating in order to create new mixes that combine desirable qualities from both dogs. Often, designer dogs are spared no expense in their creation and acquisition – selecting and shipping dog semen, artificially inseminating dogs, and using […]

Can Dogs Eat Salt Without Getting Sick? Facts You Must Know

There comes a point when dog owners who often give themselves scraps like french fries or potato chips wonder: Can dogs eat salt? I know that I didn’t think much about the possible effects of salt on my dog’s health until I started learning about proper nutrition for pets and just how vital vitamin balance […]

The “Saddest Dog in the World” (Happy at Last!)

Even though she became famous for being “The Saddest Dog in the World,” this puppy may have a new reason to smile. Some time ago, a photo on Facebook became viral in which a 1-year-old Labrador retriever mix named Lana was given the aforementioned moniker, showing her looking despondently down at the floor of her […]

10 Interesting Ways Your Dog Says ‘I Love You’

One thing many dog lovers wish they had is the ability to understand what their furry friend is thinking or saying. This kind of ability would be very valuable to establishing a better connection with your pet. For example, why does your dog bark at the door or hide when it’s thunder and lightening outside? […]