How to Prevent Flies on Dogs (Tips on Stopping an Annoying Issue)
Flies may be the most underrated pest in a dog's life. We know how annoying they are, so we may assume they're just bothersome to our dogs. Yet they can be more than a nuisance to your pooch. Fortunately, they can be stopped in their tracks.
Why are Flies Such a Problem for Dogs?
The main reason that flies are such a problem for your pooch is that they are relentless. All it really takes is one fly bite of your dog's ear to draw a little blood, and other flies will buzz around to check things out. Once a swarm of flies encircles your dog, his life can be rather miserable.
Eventually, it may get to the point where your dog’s skin may become severely irritated. If the skin ends up getting overtly irritated, your pooch could be left vulnerable to infection. He may also withdraw socially for fear of getting attacked by fly bites, which could inadvertently affect other habits such as eating.
Maintaining a Clean Environment - A Key Component to Fly Control
Because we as humans are greatly annoyed by flies, we, at least, have a bead on some of the tactics that can be deployed to lessen your dog's flea problem. Fortunately, a lot of the things that we can do to control the fly population are also beneficial to your dog's livelihood. In a way, you can view this as a win-win.
For instance, we know that flies thrive during the warmest times during the day. To combat this, try to keep your dog indoors during that time. If you are faced with a long stretch of hot weather, as you may get in the summer, be sure to keep your dog's indoor environment comfortable for him.
We also know that flies love to be around feces, so it’s important that you do what you can to keep its presence neutralized. Be on top of picking up dog poop throughout the day, scouring the areas where your dog “does his business” in order to make sure there is no stray dung to attract flies. Remember, a clean yard is something that flies will find boring.
It’s also important that you keep the area around your dog’s dish clean. Flies have a tendency to be attracted to leftover scraps of food, which could especially be problematic if the food they see is located in a prime spot for your dog to hang around. A clean feeding area will give flies no reason to show up.
Can I Make My Dog Less Attractive to Flies?

You can make your dog a less appealing target for flies by coating him with various substances. There is commercial fly repellent that you can purchase from pet stores that will do the trick. If you'd prefer to use something a little more topical, you will have options to choose from.
One of these options is petroleum jelly. All you have to do is smear a thick layer of the goopy substance on your dog’s ears. The stuff works very well simply because flies are unable to sink their teeth through the substance, thus protecting your dog from their strikes.
Another option, apple cider vinegar, takes a little elbow grease in the sense that you have to make it in order for it to work properly. What you do is dilute one part of the substance with one part water, and then spray it on your dog’s affected area. This deterrent is an ideal solution if you want to take a more natural approach to fixing the issue.
A Clean Ear May be a Safe Ear
If you want to keep the flies from returning once the treatment is done, be sure to keep your pooch’s ears as clean as possible. Remember, flies love dog’s ears, and they thrive in areas that aren’t necessarily sanitary. Making sure your dog’s ears don’t devolve into something dirty will ensure they don’t readily lure the winged beasts.
And when the flies are kept away, your dog will obviously be healthier because they won't have insects constantly nipping at him. Just as important, though, your dog will be happier, and may exhibit this in his behavior. And as a dog owner, can you strive for anything more?